Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Expedition Begins - Summer 2009

By Matt Moran-Ellis, 2009 Program Assistant & Starbucks Liaison

Its All About Camp . . .(Sunburn, Sandwiches & Spiritual Direction)

When you think of Camp, what comes to your mind? Sweaty cabins, screaming kids, days in the sun. Well for Camp Homelaniʼs Leadership Team, the first day of camp orientation looked a little different. As they gathered around the breakfast table the news was broken to them that the first order of the day would be a hike to Kaena Point. The backpacks were collected, lunches packed, and ice cubes were given out as a cheesy ice breaker and they were off.

The short drive provided much amusement as van seats came undone, seat belt failed to work and banter was a plenty. As they got out of the van the feat that laid before them started to become apparent, a six mile hike along scourged earth and over rocky ground. As they started off with the heat beating down upon them their faithful Camp Director provided some spiritual insight into the fact that this hike wasnʼt just about walking but about looking over the journey that laid ahead of them. At various points through out the hike they would stop, and ponder different elements of camp and consider what it meant to be on an expedition for Christ.

After many detours, hiding in a caves, a knee scrape and enjoying the local seafood, they made it to the tip of the point. There they sat and enjoyed the stunning view, contemplating that even though times can get tough, their is always beauty to be seen. The crashing waves, a seal and a warm sandwich or two later they headed back. Managing to avoid further injuries they got back to camp only to realize that all of them, in one form or another, seemed to be very sunburned.

The hike gave the team a chance to look at the journey ahead, and to contemplate the path they had been on before and how God has been faithful to them. The hike was a great success and helped to show them what lays ahead for them. But as they all know, this is only the beginning and over the next nine days of orientation they will carry on with their expedition for Christ as they prep for the summer and try and heal some of that sunburn.


Sarah said...

Cool new blog! I will be following it & praying for you and your team each and everyday! May you have a blessed summer.

matthewjingram said...

Nice! Wish I was with you guys this summer, praying for you all out there.
